Trump has 2 silver lining though that should help the environment. One is peace in Donetsk, which already has abortion rights, and the other is I think he will bring abortion rights to Gaza, as in Golan, faster than Harris would have.

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So the new information that caused you to change your mind was the replacement of Biden by Harris? or did Trump do something surprising since you announced? because he didn't surprise me much since you announced. Though I suppose picking an overt pronatalist for VP did make him worse, he also picked a theocrat last time so not that big a surprise.

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I didn't change my mind. From the beginning, it was my intention to make certain I did nothing to improve Trump's chances of victory. I expected that might well mean withdrawing from the race at some point (unless my campaign caught fire).

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So then you lied to us about your intent to run, because you certainly were not up front about your intension to drop out!

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No, it was my hope that my bold agenda would catch attention and surprise us all with the needed victory (though I knew this was a very long shot - just as I'm sure you knew). I had to give it a try, because I'm not sure we can wait another four years to start taking the ecological overshoot emergency seriously. My promise was - if the campaign didn't catch fire, and a vote for me would essentially be a vote for Trump, then I would drop out.

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Okay, reasonably honest but still a badly mistaken strategy as we clearly need 1000 mayors before running for president, and must run for mayor until then, not president, relocating as necessary like Hillary to New York.

City abortion funding saves city school tax, so much so that cities can then fund country abortions as well, all without answering to country voters.

In this way, my guess is that 10 cities can cover the USA and 25 can cover the world, coordinating via the World Council of Mayors and ignoring state and national governments completely. Think globally act locally.


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When you got into the race, Biden was the expected nominee and Biden never said "reduce population" like Harris did, so I voted for Harris and the Dems when I would not have voted for Biden, but would have written myself in. I am willing to vote for candidates that publicly endorse me for Buncombe County Soil and Water Conservation Supervisor, but you refused. I did make an exception for Harris and the Dems she led, but doubt I will ever make another.

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I heard doom and gloom and some hope. Perhaps we’d get some media attention by making a prediction- perhaps extreme. We claim a dead planet; a Mad Max world. Well how about a specific prediction, say in the next year or five? If we’re right the attention should increase; if wrong, well they’re ignoring us anyhow.

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That's a good idea, Lee. Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like to give it a try.

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I cast my vote for Kamala on September 20, the first day of early voting here in Virginia.

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Thank you!

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